Reviewer in Training program: Fall 2021 Participants

The Reviewer in Training (RiT) program offers Early Career Researchers (ECRs) a learning opportunity to gain a better understanding of the elements of high-quality review and the peer review process through direct participation in the Project Grant Program with the support of a Mentor. For more information on the RiT program and other capacity development programs, please visit the Reviewer Pathway.

Three hundred and three (303) individuals applied to the Fall 2021 RiT program, of which one hundred and fourteen (114) individuals were selected to participate across fifty-seven (57) peer review committees (2 participants per committee).

Application pressure by committee

Each applicant may select up to two Project Grant Program committees in which they prefer to participate and for which they have the appropriate expertise to review. Successful applicants are chosen by random lottery, which we believe is a fair approach given the high demand to the program.

It is important to note that as grant application pressure rises in Project Grant Program committees, they may split in two or three, resulting in additional opportunities on these newly formed committees.

Committee (split committee) Applicants Participants
BCA 5 2
BMA 2 2
BMB 8 2
BME 20 2
BSA 7 2
BSB (BSB, BS2) 27 5
BSC 22 1
CB1 3 2
CBB 8 2
CBC 3 2
CBT (CBT, CB2) 15 4
CHI 21 1
CIA (CIA, CA2) 26 4
CIB (CIB, CB2) 13 4
CIC 7 2
CID 16 2
CMZ 2 2
CPT (CPT, CT2) 11 4
CSA 3 2
CSB 9 2
CSC 3 2
DEV 3 2
DOL 4 2
E 2 Committee Not HeldFootnote **
G 12 2
GMX 13 2
GSH 6 2
HDK 5 2
HLE 8 Committee Not HeldFootnote **
HPM 10 2
HS1 (HS1, HS2, HS3) 44 7
IHR 5 2
IT 15 2
KTR 7 2
MCC 7 2
MID 14 2
MOV 23 2
MPI 8 2
NSA 18 2
NSB 13 2
NUT 5 2
PB1 37 2
PH1 (PH1, PH2) 32 4
PS 3 2
PT 6 2
RC1 (RC1, RC2) 24 4
RS 9 2
SDA 14 2
TIR 13 2
VVP 9 2
Total 600 114

In committees with more RiT opportunities than applicants, the unfilled opportunities were offered to applicants (through random draw) from other committees.

For additional application information on our past programs, please visit: Reviewer in Training program: Spring 2021 Participants and Observer Program: participation from 2017 to 2020.

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