IHDCYH Refreshed Strategic Plan 2018-2020: Healthy Foundations of Life
Message from Dr. Shoo K. Lee

July, 2018

I am very pleased to introduce CIHR-IHDCYH’s Refreshed Strategic Plan 2018-2020: Healthy Foundations of Life, which renews the core values of our previous Strategic Plan: 2013-2017. This refreshed plan was developed following review of our investments and activities over the last five years in consultation with CIHR-IHDCYH’s Institute Advisory Board. We have identified the gaps and new opportunities that will allow us to maximise the impact of our research investment by 2020 and ensure the best health outcomes for children, youth and families.

With this refreshed strategic plan, CIHR-IHDCYH will continue to support and strengthen our existing programs, as well as address the remaining gaps in our strategic priorities by developing and launching new initiatives using a collaborative approach to investing in research. These exciting new initiatives include supporting research to ensure effective transitions in care for children and youth, understand how artificial intelligence can be used to tackle complex questions in health care research, and identify the impact of cannabis use during pregnancy and breastfeeding and on child and youth mental health. We will also continue to build capacity and foster collaborations that strengthen our community and drive creativity and innovation in research. Integral to this work will be supporting the health and wellness goals of the Indigenous community and continuing to ensure that sex- and gender-based analysis is incorporated into the research we fund.

I invite you to read more about our refreshed strategic priorities in the full publication and join our mailing list to receive information about funding opportunities, news and research from our community. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the strategic plan refresh—our Institute Advisory Board members for their valuable guidance and contributions, and the CIHR-IHDCYH staff for their hard work and dedication.

I am confident that our efforts will continue to make a significant impact on the health outcomes of children, youth and families in Canada and internationally.

Best wishes,

Shoo K Lee
Scientific Director
CIHR-Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

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