Robyn Tamblyn Mid-Career HSPR Innovator Award

Timeline and Funding

Application deadline To be confirmed
Anticipated notification of decision To be confirmed
Funding per award One $25,000 award is granted annually


The Robyn Tamblyn Mid-Career HSPR Innovator Award was launched in 2021 to honor the outstanding work and trailblazing innovations of Dr. Robyn Tamblyn, former Scientific Director of CIHR-IHSPR.

The Robyn Tamblyn Award is intended to recognize and support research excellence and innovation in health services and policy research (HSPR) among Canadian mid-career investigators. The award will be given to the highest ranked mid-career investigator in the Project Grant competition that is relevant to CIHR-IHSPR’s mandate.

Funds Available

  • The total amount available for this prize is $25,000, enough to fund one prize for one year. The maximum amount per prize is $25,000 per annum for one year.
  • The recipient may be invited by IHSPR to present their research at a national conference and must set aside $5,000 of funds for this purpose.


Eligibility and How to Apply

The prize will be considered eligible and determined through the following process:

For further details on eligibility requirements and how to apply, please visit the CIHR ResearchNet page and verify the latest Project Grant Priority Announcements (Specific Research Areas) for the Robyn Tamblyn Mid-Career HSPR Innovator Award Priority Areas.

Previous recipients

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