Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) – Terms of Reference

Reference: Section 10 (1) (a) of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act CIHR By-Law, Article 5, section 5.04


The Standing Committee on Finance is a standing committee of Governing Council. The Standing Committee on Finance monitors and makes recommendations to Governing Council about matters related to finance and human resources. The Standing Committee on Finance promotes transparency and accountability in all financial planning strategies of CIHR and ensures that there is alignment between operational resources and the strategic direction set by Governing Council.

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the committee are as follows:

Chair and Membership

The Standing Committee on Finance consists of a Chair, who is a member of Governing Council, plus a minimum of three other voting members of the Governing Council appointed by Governing Council after receiving advice from its Governance and Nominating Committee.

Membership on this committee may include persons who are not members of the Governing Council. The President is an ex-officio member.


Governing Council members will serve according to their term and term renewal on Governing Council.

External members to CIHR will serve a term of 3 years, and may be renewable once for a second term of up to 3 years.


Meetings will be held at least 3 times annually at the call of the Chair, or by request of the President.


A majority of its members (50% plus 1).


Bourinot’s Rule of Order, 4th Edition


The Standing Committee on Finance does not have decision-making authority, except for items specifically delegated to them by Governing Council.

The Standing Committee on Finance advises Governing Council and tables recommendations to Governing Council for decision.


The Standing Committee on Finance shall report to the Governing Council through its Chair.


On an annual basis, a review of its Terms of Reference and re-affirmation of membership.


The Standing Committee on Finance is supported by the CIHR Governance Branch. The Branch advises the committee Chair and members, prepares and distributes meeting materials and minutes, and enables timely follow-up of committee decisions and actions.

The Chief Financial Officer and Director General, Human Resources will be engaged in supporting the business of this Standing Committee.

Terms of Reference

Reviewed and approved by Governing Council on December 9, 2024.

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