Message from Norman Rosenblum, INMD Scientific Director
April 2019

From left to right: Dr. André Tchernof, Dr. Norman Rosenblum and Dr. Geoff Ball.

I was pleased to participate in the Obesity Canada Summit in Ottawa, April 24, 2019. I moderated a symposium that featured two CIHR-funded researchers: Geoff Ball (Univ. Alberta) and André Tchernof (Laval University). Both Geoff and André received strategic funding from an INMD initiative in Bariatric Care. Research on obesity and its complications and consequences has been a priority for INMD since its inception. Geoff leads the Team to Address Bariatric Care in Canadian Children (Team ABC3), and André is leading the REMISSION team: investigating the clinical impact of three bariatric operations and mechanisms underlying their effects. REMISSION stands for Reaching Enduring Metabolic Improvements by Selecting Surgical Interventions in Obese iNdividuals. It was a pleasure to learn more about this research and its potential to impact clinical care and the lives of people with obesity.

Norman Rosenblum, MD, FRCPC
Scientific Director, CIHR-INMD

Further reading

To learn more about how CIHR-funded researchers are making a difference in the lives of Canadians, please read the CIHR Discoveries for Life profiles and related resources from my message on World Obesity Day.

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