General Application Process: Overview

Table of Contents

  1. Required items (Register with CIHR)
  2. Complete an application
  3. Await notification for decision
  4. Get help

Application process

1. Required items (Register with CIHR)

To submit an application, you must first have the following items:

  1. A ResearchNet account;
  2. A CIHR PIN;
  3. A CV (see specific requirements in the funding opportunity):
    • Canadian Common CV (CCV) or
    • Applicant profile CV (for non-academic, Indigenous organizations and/or international applicants – when applicable) or
    • Tri-agency CV.

For additional explanations and details on these items, please consult the Register with CIHR web page.

2. Complete an application

To complete an application in ResearchNet, you must:

  1. Find the funding opportunity you wish to apply for.
  2. Login using your ResearchNet account information.
  3. Review the funding opportunity details.
  4. Follow the "How to Apply" instructions provided in the funding opportunity.
  5. Complete all the tasks in ResearchNet.

For more information on how to complete and submit an application in ResearchNet, please refer to the specific funding opportunity and relevant Application Guidelines. Please note that in addition to the full application, some funding opportunities include additional phases, such as Registration and Letter of Intent.

You are also encouraged to review CIHR's Acceptable Application Formats and PDF Attachments web page and the ResearchNet Frequently Asked Questions page, as required.

3. Await notification of decision

The Notification of Decision (NOD) is posted on the Funding Opportunity and is the date that CIHR releases the decisions to applicants following the peer review of a particular funding opportunity through ResearchNet.

As part of the decision notification process through ResearchNet, applicants receive their reviews and Scientific Officer (SO) notes (if available). 

Approved applications that have been flagged for Special Attention are withheld as "pending". Applicants are notified if further information is required.

Results are posted in CIHR's Funding Decisions after applicants have been notified at the end of the peer review process.

4. Get help

Please direct all inquiries related to the application process to the CIHR Contact Centre.

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