Amplifying Impact 2022 & 2023

Amplifying Impact 2022 & 2023

Amplifying Impact 2022 & 2023

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Between September 2022 and December 2023, the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) supported a number of initiatives and activities to amplify its impact on cancer research in Canada and beyond. The Institute thanks its diverse community for its continued engagement and contributions.

Institute Highlights

  • Developed new Research Priority Plan 2024-2029
  • Pan-Canadian Active Listening Tour
  • Partnered with 8 CIHR Institutes
  • Founding member of inaugural G7 Cancer alliance
  • Supported 111 CIHR Project Grant Priority Announcements
  • Co-led Team Grant: Lung Health with ICRH

Funding Opportunities

ICR supported the launch of:

  • 23 funding opportunities within CIHR
  • 8 national partner-led funding opportunities
  • 4 international partner-led funding opportunities

Highlights: CIHR Health Research Training Platform, Cancer Research Society (CRS) Operating Grants, Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) Workplace Cancer Research Grants, TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Calls and American Association for Cancer Research Scientist-Survivor Program®.

Capacity Building

  • 13 initiatives supported by ICR engaged trainees or early career researchers (ECRs)
  • 110 ECRs supported over two ECR Workshops
  • 14 Planning and Dissemination Awards funded
  • 25 Travel Awards funded

Highlights: ECR Award in Cancer, CCS Research Training Awards, CRS Doctoral Research Awards, IHSPR Health System Impact Fellowship, and III Research Excellence, Diversity and Independence Awards.

Community Engagement

The Institute engaged its community with:

  • 350+ individuals during its research priority setting process
  • 2 community events
  • 12 sponsored conferences

Highlight: ICR held its annual Community Event for the first time in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The Community Event showcased local cancer researchers at the University of Saskatchewan and highlighted the importance of Indigenous perspectives and Ways of Knowing.

Snapshots of the Year

G7 Cancer Photo Credit: Institut national du cancer

Recognizing Canadian Cancer Research on the Global Stage

CIHR became a founding member of G7 Cancer, an international alliance led by France's Institut national du cancer to promote cancer research knowledge exchange across borders. This alliance aims to strengthen collaboration and enhance knowledge mobilization and resources.

Engaging the Community in ICR's Research Priority Plan

ICR hosted its Deliberative Dialogue Workshop (DDW), an event attended by over 100 diverse members of the cancer research community to inform ICR’s Research Priority Plan (RPP). The DDW was critical to ensuring the RPP aligns with needs of the community.

"The DDW was an exceptional experience, showcasing a true commitment to fostering collaboration and inclusivity."

DDW Attendee

Engaging our Community in Saskatoon

In tandem with its 52nd Institute Advisory Board meeting, ICR held a Community Event for the first time in Saskatchewan at the University of Saskatchewan. The event forged connections between researchers, trainees, university representatives, Indigenous peoples, and ICR’s Institute Advisory Board and staff.

Building Capacity for Persons with Lived/Living Experience in Research

As part of its ongoing partnership with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), ICR co-sponsored three Patient Advocates―Michelle Audoin, Amy Clark and Thomas Flannery―to attend the AACR Scientist-Survivor Program®. The program facilitates capacity building for persons with lived and living experience in research through opportunities to learn and connect with valuable collaborators and peers.

"When you know that you have reached others and have made a difference, that is the best part of advocacy."

Co-sponsored AACR-SSP Patient Advocate

Supporting the Next Generation of Researchers

In conjunction with the biennial Canadian Cancer Research Conference, ICR held its ECR Workshop in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The workshop aimed to enhance training and deliver career support for 60 ECRs through didactic teaching and opportunities to connect with each other and with persons with lived and living experience.

"I found this as an exceptional opportunity extended by CIHR to advance my networking skills and career prospects."

ECR Workshop 2023 attendee

Reporting period: September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023

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