Sample Email – Application Assignment
Mock Review Toolkit – Project Grant Competition: Running the Simulation

For Facilitators: Only use this email template if you require participants to complete an Ability to Review task as part of your peer review simulation. This email and its attachment should be sent just after the pre-simulation meeting and/or just prior to assigning applications for review. Please remove or replace any highlighted placeholder or instructional text for facilitators with the appropriate information.

The following resource should be included as an attachment:

  1. Ability to Review Template


Thank you for signing the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality agreement and completing the Pre-Simulation Training.

In order to better assign applications to participants of the mock review simulation, we are conducting an Ability to Review task. This task will allow you to indicate the extent to which your expertise aligns with provided applications. Please note, as this is a training exercise, Reviewer expertise does not need to align perfectly. You may underappreciate your Ability to Review when reading application details but will likely have much more to contribute than expected in the context of the simulation.

Please find the Ability to Review form attached. You will find details for each application (Research Summary and areas of science) and a guide on how to rank your ability to review for each of the applications. This task will also allow you declare any potential conflicts with the listed applications.

Please read through the 1-page Research Summary for each application and return your completed “Ability to Review” form by [date]. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,


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