Long Description
The Intervention Trial in Inflammation for Chronic Conditions – Evidence to Impact funding opportunity will fund four (4) individual Research Teams. One (1) of the funded teams that submits an application for a Knowledge Mobilization Hub (KM Hub) will be awarded additional funds to function as a coordinating entity for the four Research Teams. The KM Hub will include a Manager and will be led by a member of one of the funded Research Teams. The KM Hub will be responsible for facilitating the Knowledge Mobilization objectives of the Research Teams by coordinating and organizing KM- and initiative-related activities.
Each Research Team will be comprised of the following (at a minimum): an Early Career Researcher; a Knowledge User; a Person with Lived/Living Experience; a Sex and Gender Champion; a Knowledge Mobilization Liaison.
Three of the Research Teams are funded through the General Pool and one of the Research Teams is funded through the HIV/AIDS and STBBI Pool.