2022 Health Research Training Platforms Grant Recipients
Health Research Training Platforms
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the B.C. Women’s Health Foundation, Egale Canada, Mitacs and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) are investing $31.1M over six years in 13 unique training programs that will provide new training and development opportunities for early career researchers and trainees.
Grant Recipients

Nicole Letourneau – University of Calgary
System and population transformations in Girls’ and Women’s Health

Amy Metcalfe – University of Calgary
Research on cis- and trans-gender women’s and girls’ health and wellbeing

Rebecca Pillai Riddel – York University
Digital training in mental health

Susan Samuel – University of Calgary
Empowering next-generation researchers in perinatal and child health

Dominique Piquette – Sunnybrook Research Institute (Toronto, Ontario)
Spanning boundaries between research and care

Robert Alexander – University of Alberta
Kidney research education and training

Nicola Jones – Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto)
Training the next generation in gastroenterology and liver disease

Andre Tchernof – Université Laval
Diabetes, obesity and cardiometabolic health

Alex Mihailidis – University of Toronto
Digital health solutions for seniors with complex health needs

Laura Rosella – University of Toronto
Artificial intelligence for public health and equity

Daniel Grace – University of Toronto
Stigma reduction and mental wellness for LGBTQ/2S populations

Anick Berard – Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine (Montréal, Québec)
Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network

Eric Smith – University of Calgary
Vascular cognitive impairment
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