CCNA Phase III: Research Teams
Frequently Asked Questions


This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpage was created in response to questions submitted during the Applicant Webinars (September 10 and 24, 2024), and through the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Contact Centre. It is intended to support those interested in applying to the CCNA Phase III: Research Teams funding opportunity, including for the Australia component of the International Australia-Canada Indigenous Health Research application through the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)’s 2024 NHMRC-CIHR CCNA Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

Please note that instructions provided in the CIHR funding opportunity and the 2024 NHMRC-CIHR CCNA Grant Opportunity Guidelines take precedence over this FAQ webpage.

This webpage may be updated frequently until the application deadline. If you have any questions related to this funding opportunity, please direct them to the CIHR Contact Centre ( or 1-888-603-4178). Questions may be edited for clarity and length.


Clinical Trial & Primary Data Collection

CCNA Operations Centre's Central Resource Supports, Data and Biological Sample Holdings

Evaluation Criteria & Peer Review


Funding Decision

General Funding Pool and Strategic Priority Area Pools

Indigenous Health Research and Australia-Canada Collaborative Teams

Research Team Composition


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