Clinical Trials Fund

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With an investment of $250 million through the Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy in Budget 2021, the Clinical Trials Fund (CTF) has helped to reinforce Canada’s clinical trials ecosystem by investing in research and infrastructure through three main funding streams:

Pan-Canadian Clinical Trials Consortium

Through the CTF, CIHR provided an initial investment for the development of a pan-Canadian Clinical Trials Consortium: the Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Canada Consortium. The overall goal of the funding was to strengthen clinical trials collaboration and coordination infrastructure, as well as creating new clinical trials networks in gap areas. For more information about the ACT Canada Consortium, please visit their website.

Clinical Trials Training Platforms

Seven Clinical Trials Training Platforms received funding through the CTF to support the recruitment, training, and mentorship of highly qualified trainees, researchers, healthcare professionals, and clinical research professionals to better position the next generation of clinical trial researchers. For more information about each training platform, please visit:

Clinical Trials Projects

Through the CTF, CIHR provided funding for the conduct of 36 clinical trials. More information about the projects funded in 2022 and 2024 can be found in the news releases. Information is also available in the CIHR Funding Decisions Notifications (January 2023 and August 2024).

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