Engagement Activities
University Delegates (UD) Network members engage with CIHR via teleconference and in-person meetings in Ottawa. Through the UDs, CIHR seeks the views of the community on key policy and implementation questions and responds to issues raised by members and the communities they represent.
UD monthly teleconference meetings
- Members meet with CIHR representatives via teleconference every first Thursday of every month (12:30-13:30 ET).
- These information-sharing meetings are chaired by the Associate Vice-President of the CIHR Research Programs portfolio.
- Each meeting agenda is set by the University Delegates Advisory Committee (UDAC) prior to each UD network meeting.
- Topics of interest for these meetings can be submitted to your UD or directly to CIHR via the UD mailbox: university.delegates@cihr-irsc.gc.ca.
- A high-level summary of topics discussed at each meeting is available on the Meeting Information page.
UDAC monthly teleconference meetings
- CIHR executive and management staff meet, engage and consult with the UDAC to set the monthly UD network meeting agenda.
- During these interactive meetings, members represent the research community’s views on key policy and implementation questions.
UD in-person meeting
- Members meet with CIHR representatives in Ottawa for a full day meeting.
- In-person meetings provide an opportunity for UDs to meaningfully engage and interact with CIHR representatives on matters of key importance to the research community and to CIHR.
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