2019-20 Departmental Results Report: Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

1. Introduction to the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

The 2016 to 2019 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) presents the Government of Canada’s sustainable development goals and targets, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research adheres to the principles of the FSDS, and while not bound formally by the Act, supports reporting on the implementation of the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

2. Sustainable development in the Canadian Institutes of Health Research

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy for 2017 to 2020 describes the department’s actions in support of achieving the second Goal of the FSDS: Low-carbon government. This supplementary information table presents available results for the departmental action[s] pertinent to this goal. Previous years’ supplementary information tables are posted on the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s website.

3. Departmental performance by FSDS goal

The following tables provide performance information on departmental action[s] in support of the FSDS goals listed in section 2.

Context: Low-Carbon Government

CIHR does not measure its progress on achieving low-carbon government by tracking Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from its operations due to the fact this organization does not have buildings or fleets. However, CIHR continues its strategy to support clean technologies and green products and services by taking environmental considerations into account in its purchasing decisions and by promoting sustainable workplace practices.

Low-Carbon Government: The Government of Canada leads by example by making its operations low-carbon
FSDS target FSDS contributing actions Corresponding departmental actions Starting point(s)
Performance indicators
Results achieved Contribution by each departmental result to the FSDS goal and target

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from federal government buildings and fleets by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030, with an aspiration to achieve it by 2025

Improve the energy efficiency of our buildings/operations





Modernize our fleet





Support the transition to a low-carbon economy through green procurement

Integrate environmental considerations into procurement management processes and controls

Percentage of CIHR’s internal procurement training sessions, provided to Managers and Directors General, which include the roles and responsibilities related to the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement.

Target: 100%


Achieved. Increased awareness of the Policy on Green Procurement through internal procurement training sessions where Green Procurement is highlighted (on-going as of April 1, 2014)

FSDS: Green procurement incorporates environmental criteria into purchasing decisions. Procurement agents who are trained to apply such criteria can award contracts while taking environmental considerations into account in its purchasing decisions and by promoting sustainable workplace practices.

SDG 12Target 12.7

Train procurement and materiel management functional specialists on green procurement.

Number and percentage of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who have completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in fiscal year 2019–20.

Target: 4 (100%)

3 (75%)

Three of the four procurement specialists completed the course and were with the department at the end of 2019–20 fiscal year. The fourth procurement specialist occupied a term position and was redeployed within the organization so did not complete the course by March 31, 2020.

FSDS: Green procurement incorporates environmental criteria into purchasing decisions. Procurement specialists who are trained to apply such criteria can award contracts while taking environmental considerations into account in its procurement decisions by promoting sustainable workplace practices and in applying its principles throughout the procurement process.

SDG 12Target 12.7

Increase awareness of the Policy on Green Procurement among managers.

Number and percentage of Managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution toward green procurement, in fiscal year 2019–20.

Target: 2 (100%)


To date, green procurement has not been included in their performance plans.

FSDS: The Policy on Green procurement remains a priority for managers and functional heads and their performance evaluations will include support and contribution towards green procurement in the 2020-21 fiscal year.

SDG 12Target 12.7

Existence of organizational approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of workplace policies and practices.

Select and operate Information Technology (IT) and office equipment in a manner that reduces energy consumption and material usage.

Reduce the number of in-use IT physical servers to 26 by March 31, 2020.

Target: 26:1 by 2020

28% reduction

Reduced to 29 physical servers (from 40).

FSDS: Target missed due to a delay caused by technical issues in virtualizing CIHR’s grants and awards Electronic Information System.

SDG 12Target 12.2

Reuse or recycle electronic and electrical equipment in an environmentally sound and secure manner.

Percentage of toner cartridges recycled relative to the total number of all toner cartridges purchased.

Target: 100%


All toner cartridges are recycled.

FSDS: All toner at CIHR is recycled through the 160 Elgin property owner recycling program.

SDG 12Target 12.2

Improve existing paper usage by using security employee card, green meetings and other digital initiatives.

Maintain internal paper consumption level of less than 1M pages.

Target:  Less than 1M pages.


Internal consumption levels were less than 1M pages during 2019-20.

FSDS: CIHR removed all personal printers in favor of shared printers located in a few Business Centers and implemented badge released print jobs. Providing laptops to all employees also allowed using electronic reference documents in meetings instead of printed material.

SDG 12Target 12.2

Demonstrate innovative technologies





Promote sustainable travel practices





Understand climate change impacts and build resilience





Improve transparency and accountability





Develop policy for low‑carbon government





4. Report on integrating sustainable development

During the 2019–20 reporting cycle, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research had no proposals that required a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and no public statements were produced.

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