Evaluation of the Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes Research (INMD) – Management Response Action Plan (MRAP)

Evaluation: Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD)
Completed: 2017/18
Evaluation Lead: CIHR

Recommendation Response
Management Action Plan Responsibility Timeline
  1. The Panel strongly recommends that the Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD) should not be amended, merged or terminated.
Agree Maintain INMD Governing Council 2017/18
  1. The Panel strongly recommends that the INMD continue as a separate institute within the CIHR.
Agree Maintain INMD as a separate institute within the CIHR Governing Council 2017/18
  1. The Panel agrees that the INMD’s name and mandate are appropriate and recommends that the Institute continue with the current mandate.
Agree Maintain INMD’s name and mandate Governing Council 2017/18
  1. Given the breadth of the INMD’s mandate and the limited resources currently available, more discretion should be granted to the Scientific Director to select and focus on certain aspects of the current mandate.
Agree The Scientific Director will continue to engage relevant stakeholders, including the INMD Institute Advisory Board, to inform priority setting and focus areas. Scientific Director, INMD in collaboration with the Vice-President, Research Programs 2018/19
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