Health Research Data: National data stakeholders
Multiple stakeholders are collaborating to address key elements within the health data ecosystem.
CIHR would like to highlight the work of organizations listed below.

Health Data Ecosystem Long Description
- The health data ecosystem is composed of a wide range of stakeholders.
- These stakeholders include clinicians, researchers, patients, consumers, industry, and health care system managers.
- They also include organizations and individuals involved in developing and implementing data-related policies, funding, standards and interoperability, cyberinfrastructure, and training.
- CIHR is actively engaged in the data ecosystem through the development and implementation of policies, funding of initiatives, and support of training activities that collectively help advance data-intensive research.
Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL)
CARL is the leadership organization of Canada's research library community. CARL supports Canada's research libraries in the advancement of research by developing data management initiatives, fostering new knowledge creation and preserving Canada's research resources.
CARL Portage Network
The Portage Network works within the library community to coordinate expertise, technology, and services in research data management, as well as promote collaboration between research libraries and other data management stakeholders. Portage has developed a free and bilingual template, DMP Assistant, to support researchers in developing data management plans.
Canada Health Infoway
Infoway is a not-for-profit organization funded by the federal government that is working with the provinces and territories to implement digital health solutions to improve the healthcare and health of Canadians.
Consortia Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI)
CASRAI is an international non-profit membership initiative with a mission to adapt the best practices of open standards and data governance across all areas of requirement for data research stakeholders. Standard Information Agreements developed by CASRAI cover all key information areas required for the management of research at every stage of the investigation process.
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
CIHI provides stakeholders with essential information on Canada's health care system and the health of Canadians. With 28 pan-Canadian databases, this health information acts as an enabler for stakeholders to perform evidence-based decision-making.
Canadian National Committee for CODATA (CNC/CODATA)
CODATA is an interdisciplinary Scientific Committee of the International Council for Science (ICSU) that works to improve the quality, reliability, management, and accessibility of numerical data to all fields within the science and technology community. CNC/CODATA presents the Canadian perspective within international CODATA discussions.
Compute Canada
Compute Canada, in partnership with regional organizations ACENET, Calcul Québec, Compute Ontario and WestGrid, leads the acceleration of research innovation by deploying state-of-the-art advanced research computing (ARC) systems, storage and software solutions. Together these organizations leverage a team of over 200 experts employed by 35 partner universities and research institutions in order to provide essential ARC services and infrastructure for Canadian researchers and their collaborators.
Leadership Council for Digital Infrastructure (LCDI)
The LCDI is a national collaboration of key stakeholders committed to advancing Canada's digital infrastructure ecosystem. The Council acts as a forum for digital infrastructure leaders to exchange views, coordinate future priorities, and work towards coordinated activities and approaches.
Research Data Canada (RDC)
RDC is dedicated to collaborating with stakeholders from across the country to enhance access to research data and improve research data management within Canada. RDC is an organizational member of the international Research Data Alliance (RDA), a government-funded, community-driven organization committed to building the social and technical infrastructure to enable open sharing of data.
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