Tri-Agency Interdisciplinary Peer Review Committee – Evaluation Criteria

Criteria Elements

Merit of the Proposed Research

Quality of the Proposal

The clarity, scope and originality of research questions and objectives

Methods and Approaches

Appropriateness of the proposed methods and approaches, including the integration of the interdisciplinary approaches to achieve the project goals

Appropriate incorporation of sex, gender and diversity in the research design, if applicable

Evidence of commitment to the development of active and meaningful partnerships with appropriate individuals and organizations, if applicable


Extent to which the budget is appropriate and justified in relation to the proposed activities

Appropriateness of the environment (academic institution and/or other organization) to enable the conduct and success of the proposed activities

Anticipated Outcomes


Potential for the outcomes of the proposed activities to have influence and impact

Knowledge mobilization and dissemination

Quality and appropriateness of knowledge mobilization plans, including effective dissemination, exchange and engagement with stakeholders within and/or beyond the research community, where applicable

Training Plan

Extent to which the proposed activities incorporate plans for the training and development of highly qualified personnel

Appropriate inclusion of considerations of equity, diversity and inclusion in the training plan

Applicant(s) Record

Expertise and Experience

Appropriate expertise to undertake the proposed research, including complementary and interdisciplinary knowledge, expertise and experience

Experience and track record of the investigator(s) – importance, originality, quality and impact of past research

Past Contribution to Training of highly qualified personnel (HQP)

Quality and extent of past contributions to the training of HQP

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