Governing Council - Members

CIHR is governed by a Governing Council of up to 18 members. Sixteen members, including the Chair, are voting members, and 2 are non-voting, ex officio members: the Deputy Minister and the President of CIHR.

Members of Governing Council:

Members of Governing Council are appointed by the Governor in Council – decided upon by the federal Cabinet – and may hold office for two consecutive 3-year terms with the exception of the President, and the Chair who may hold office for two consecutive 5-year terms.

The By-Law of CIHR (currently under review) reflects the language of the CIHR Act and enables it to operate, as a Departmental Corporation, within a legal corporate framework.

Marie-Josée Hébert
Faculty of Medicine
Université de Montréal

Shanthi Johnson
Professor and Vice President – Research and Innovation
University of Windsor

Paul Allison
Faculty of Dental Medicine & Oral Health Sciences
McGill University

Robert Bell
Former Ontario Deputy Minister of Health and Long-Term Care (2014 to 2018)

Mélanie Caron
Associate Director, Institut national en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS)

Debbie DeLancey
Former Deputy Minister with the Government of the Northwest Territories

Annie Descôteaux
Head of Patient Partner Office, Faculty of Medicine,
Université de Montréal
Strategic advisor, Centre of Excellence on Partnership with Patients and the Public

Christine Fahim
Scientist and Director, TIES
St. Michael’s Hospital
Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
University of Toronto
Associate, Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins University

Michal Juhas
Digital health expert and independent consultant: health policy, economics, and outcomes research

Brianne Kent
Assistant Professor at Simon Fraser University

Cathy Kline
Assistant Director, Patient and Community Engagement
Office of the Vice-President, Health
Patient & Community Partnership for Education
University of British Columbia

Bernard Le Foll
Senior scientist, Institute for Mental Health Policy Research, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)

Siddika Mithani
Member, Research Ethics Board, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario & Hôpital Montfort
Honorary Senior Fellow, University of Ottawa

Caroline Tait
Faculty of Social Work and the Cumming School of Medicine
University of Calgary

Greg Orencsak
Deputy Minister
Health Canada
Ex-officio, non-voting member

Dr. Paul Hébert
President, CIHR

Ex-officio, non-voting member

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