Integrating Sex & Gender in Full Application for SPOR Networks in Chronic Disease

1. Vision, Rationale & Added Value

  • Clarity of vision regarding the analysis and expected results/outcomes as they relate to sex and gender
  • Evidence of explicit consideration given to achieving equitable health impacts across diverse patient/population sub-groups.

2. Quality & appropriateness of research approach with respect to sex/gender considerations

Literature review

  • Clear articulation of any known sex and/or gender differences in the epidemiology, risk factors, conditions, diseases or effects of treatment under study
  • A literature review that describes known sex and/or gender differences, or lack thereof, in the research area under study. Ethnicity, income, occupation and other key social determinants of health, including social roles should be considered as determinants of gender

Research question

  • Clear articulation of the type of research question being considered with respect to sex/gender:
    • Identifying sex/gender differences in the intervention/process/program/policy/tool/outcome under study
    • Explaining the impact of these sex/gender differences
    • Investigating whether there is a need to tailor the intervention/process/program/policy/tool/outcome under study according to sex or gender
    • Studying sex/gender as a confounder or interaction variable while testing the main study hypothesis

Study Design and Methods

  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria that consider sex/gender and diverse populations of men and women/boys and girls
  • Description of the recruitment strategies to accrue the required sample size of men and women/boys and girls
  • Choice of outcome measures or validation tests that are not gender biased and that are sensitive and responsive to sex/gender issues
  • Description of the data collection tools/use of administrative datasets with respect to capturing sex-related and gender-related variables of interest (quantitative and qualitative data)

Analysis & Reporting

  • Description of the data analysis plan (sex-disaggregated or stratified analyses, pathway modeling, use of sex and gender variables as confounders or in interaction terms, if applicable)
  • Sample size calculations to show adequate power for testing hypotheses with respect to sex/gender differences
  • Inclusion of a statement that negative findings with respect to sex/gender will be reported

3. Strength of the team

  • Identification of a Sex & Gender Champion in research teams
  • Evidence that the Sex & Gender Champion has credibility and research experience in sex and/or gender science as relates to the field of study  (i.e. graduate training, publication history, and/or IGH core competency certificate in sex/gender methodology related to the topic under investigation)
  • Appropriateness of role described for the Sex & Gender champion (i.e. responsible for guiding formulation of sex/gender-related research questions in proposal; assurance that design, analysis, reporting and knowledge translation plans reflect gold standard sex/gender approaches)

4. Knowledge Translation Plan

  • Description of how the knowledge translation strategies intend to maximize uptake by men and women/boys and girls
  • Quality of the intended content/messages/products, including their relevance and applicability to sex or gender issues and a wide scope of patients/diverse populations
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