ICR Funding

The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) supports a wide range of research initiatives both within CIHR and with our national and international partners to strengthen and promote capacity building, innovation, and knowledge mobilization in diverse areas of cancer research.

The ICR Institute Community Support (ICS) Program is designed to foster community development and knowledge translation through Planning and Dissemination Grants, Travel Awards, and Café Scientifique.

Learn more about the Institute's various funding opportunities and Community Support Programs:

Internal Funding Opportunities

ICR-led funding opportunities and other Institute collaborations within CIHR.

External Funding Opportunities

ICR collaborations with national and international partners to support external funding opportunities.

Planning and Dissemination Grants

Grants supporting planning of research and/or dissemination of its findings.

Travel Awards

Travel funds for trainees to present their research at national or international meetings, conferences or symposia.

Early Career Researcher Award in Cancer

Recognizes early career researchers with the highest-ranked Fall Project Grant applications related to cancer.

Café Scientifique

Funds to support events that enable knowledge sharing and open, respectful dialogues between researchers and knowledge users.

Stay connected

For more information on activities and programs supported by the Institute, please contact cihr.icr@uhn.ca.

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